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The Main Squeeze Café’s Juice Cleanse/Detox

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Congratulations and thank you for your purchase of the Main Squeeze detox juice cleanse, you’re on your way to a healthier, leaner, more energized you!

Why might someone consider juicing?

The Difference Between Juices and Smoothies

We often get asked about "juicing versus blending." Which is better? The whole fiber contained in green smoothies and whole blended juices is hugely beneficial to health on an everyday basis. However, during periods of detoxification, cleansing, and illness, juices, both pulped and pulp-free, allow a more gentle digestive process, which leaves more energy for detoxification, cleansing, and regeneration.

There is a place for both blending and juicing in any healthy eating regime.

We recommend doing a juice fast or a day Cleanse at the beginning of each season to detoxify and regenerate the body.



Of the 5 billion people on this planet, only the smallest percentage will ever maintain this extraordinary discipline.  However, as most all of the greatest thinkers in history have used it repeatedly, we’re in superb company! But above all, enjoy your fast, nurture your self and honor yourself for taking this courageous step in your wellness journey! 



After the Main Squeeze detox juice cleanse you will shed pounds, feel more energetic and healthier.

According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of The Super Immunity Diet, juicing helps unleash the natural healing power of the body. Juicing floods your system with powerful nutrients and antioxidants. It may also help retrain your taste buds to enjoy healthy fruits and vegetables, making it the first step toward a long-lasting lifestyle change, or jumpstarting a weight-loss regimen. Dr. Fuhrman also says juicing can be beneficial for people with elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure, and those suffering from autoimmune diseases, like arthritis, digestive problems and skin conditions


Vegetable juices are health restorers. They remove acid waste from the body and balance metabolism. They aid in controlling obesity by removing excess fat from the body. Vegetables are the most important foods on our planet, slowing the aging process and preventing degenerative diseases.


Fruit juices are cleansers and antioxidants. They contain high amounts of vitamin C needed for healing and energy.

Please note: The information shared here does not replace the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner. Please consult your health care professional before participating in a juice cleanse, particularly if there are existing medical conditions or concerns.

How To Juice Cleanse

Post-Fast/Breaking Your Fast Guidelines

Image by Rayia Soderberg

The Fast Days 1-5

Day 1

Morning: 1 cup hot water, ½ lemon, teaspoon ginger


Breakfast Juice: Immune Booster, 1 pint water


Mid Morning Juice: Powerful Punch, 1 pint water


Lunch Juice: Revitalizer, 1pint water


Dinner Juice: Your Choice, 1 pint water



After dinner juice: Garden Delight, 1 pint water


Bedtime: Cup of herbal tea. (Note: when heating water for tea, I never bring it to a complete boil, as boiling destroys enzymes 100%, kills some nutrients, etc.).

Phase 1 

(half as long as your fast , or 1.5 days for a 3-day fast)

·        No animal products, heavy proteins or fats – period. Your body is not ready to digest them and it will completely RUIN the effects of the fast, and most likely make you feel sick.

·        Start out very simple with high-water content fruit, such as an apple or homemade raw applesauce (no additives). Consume small quantities; you’ll get full very easily. Other popular first items are: watermelon, grapefruit, pear, papaya, grapes and mango. Go slowly, see how your body reacts.

·        You can juice if you like also – no need to strain now!

·        Rest of the phase: Once you have broken the fast with your first food as above, acceptable items include: Fruits: watermelon, papaya, grapefruit, orange, apple, peach, pineapple, cantaloupe, mango, melons, grapes. Sprouts: alfalfa, clover, sunflower, chia. Smoothies: blueberries, banana, apple, chia, psyllium, spirulina, chlorella, maca. Soups: miso, veggie broth Vegetables: tomato, cucumber. Organic almond or rice milk. NO greens except sprouts.

·        To help stimulate digestion, try adding 2 tbsp of RAW, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (like Braggs, not a clear, cheap version), and 1 tbsp of honey to a glass of filtered water. Yummy!

Phase 2 

 (half as long as the fast, or 1.5 days for a 3-day fast)
Same as  Phase 1, but add any of the following: berries, avocado, kelp, spinach, lettuce, sunflower seeds, olives, olive oil, cashews, almonds, vegetable soups, dried fruit.

Phase 3

Slow transition back to a normal diet. Same as above, but slowly start adding in other foods such as steamed veggies, grains, or a baked sweet potato. Avoid any heavy or greasy foods. Focus on fruits and vegetables. You’ll find that much smaller quantities will fill you up. Eat small portions.

      Minimize or avoid dairy and high-fat foods for a while. These are congesting and difficult to digest.   If you want to test for food sensitivities and allergies, this is an ideal time to add in the suspect foods one at a time in their whole form to see how your body reacts. For example, to test dairy products, add in whole milk, not skim, or to test wheat, try cream of wheat, not bread.  Some of the most common sensitivities/allergens: are dairy, gluten/wheat, soy, corn, citrus, nightshades (tomato/bell pepper/potato/eggplant), and melons. Do not eat these foods until Phase 3 if you want to test them. Pay attention to your body, it will speak to you!

Green Juice



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Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 3:00pm

55 Erieview Plaze

Cleveland, Ohio 44114


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